Thursday, 15 November 2012

Steven's first time on a train to Lang suan

So after all of our luggage was packed we finally got to the train station. Went back and dropped off the scooter that we rented at Mr. Vemon, I asked him if he could drop me of at the train station. After a while of tumbling in the back of the car with the shocks that isn’t in standard condition I finally got back at the train station. We bought our train tickets. And then the massive surprise comes and guess what????? The train is late… Not great news for a first time passenger right?
Brian and I waited and waited… Ohhh did I mention WAITED???? For this amazing first time on the train. While we I waited I took some pictures of the train station:

The train finally got there after 2 and half hours of waiting (because the train got delayed). But before the train came Brian and I made plans on how to get all of our luggage on the train. After everything was sorted the train starts moving on to my next destination -Lang Suan.
As we sat on the train the load noise of the changing of the tracks and stopping in the middle of NOWHERE I finally fell asleep till the next train stop and then I realized that I can’t sleep because Brian is sleeping and we can’t miss our stop so what does Steven do? STAYS AWAKE YOU IDIOT!!!! If we pass Lang Suan then we are F^&ked…. And Brian had to teach the next day. So every time we stopped I woke up Brian and asks is this our stop?

After the most horrible 7 hours of my life we finally got to our destination! LOL what do you think I asked Brian? (Are you certain this is our stop?) It’s in the middle of nowhere…. There is no food stall’s NOTHING! And Brian replied with a yes. As we walked my legs started to get numb - because a person can only hold so much fluid in your body, I needed a toilet!! Asked Brian how far is our new home, and Brian said not far - its 3 in the morning, I’m tired, my eyes are burning, I have a massive urge to go urinate – EVERYTHING is far! Finally after hours of walking (3 minutes) we got at our new home, didn’t even unpack our stuff - went to release the Victoria Falls that was raging in my bladder and went to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dit lyk soveel mooier as ons treinstasie, en wie sou kon dink dat Afrika-tyd ook daar van toepassing is! :-)